In addition to our publishing and support services, we will work in collaboration with the editors and your organization to build upon the success of your journal, from strategizing and implementing marketing strategies to providing expert advice to ensure the journal’s continued and optimal development. These services include the following:


  • Peer review and publishing system online functionality and enhancements
  • Author guidelines, editorial policies, and peer review process
  • Licensing, copyright, and open access policies
  • Editor, author, and reviewer support and engagement
  • Journal metric analysis and optimization
  • Indexing assessment and feasibility
  • Increasing journal visibility and impact

Journal Sales & Marketing

  • Journal-related fee management
  • Graphic, logo design, and branding
  • Banner advertising management
  • Special issues and supplement sales
  • Social media management
  • Journal announcements
  • Content development and design of marketing materials

SG Publishing - Publishing & Marketing Service

We are committed to delivering unparalleled service to make certain that we continually meet and exceed the needs of our clients—your success is our priority!

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SG Publishing is a Women-Owned-Business (WOB) registered with the United Nations Global Marketplace and a proud signatory of the of the United Nations SDG Publisher Compact.