We love what we do and strive to unlock the potential in every journal we publish. We believe great publications result from our diligent and committed attention to day-to-day operations. From strategic planning, through to our publication services, and combined with ongoing support and consultation, we work closely with our clients, building long lasting sustainable relationships. We are fortunate to have dedicated and passionate clients. Their success is our priority.

The Journal of Community Safety and Well-being 

The Journal of Community Safety and Well-being is a peer-reviewed publication that is positioned to be the authoritative global resource for high-impact, Canadian research that spans all human service and criminal justice sectors. The journal showcases the latest research originating from within Canada and/or relevant to Canadian communities and professionals, and aims to attract a broad audience of multi-sector policy-makers, practitioners and researchers worldwide.

CSKA Canada
Community Safety Knowledge Alliance

The Community Safety Knowledge Alliance (CSKA) is a government-supported non-profit organization whose research and other activities inform professional practices, community safety and well-being system alignment, and provide evidence-based knowledge to support practitioners and decision makers at all levels. The Journal of Community Safety and Well-being is the flagship publication of the CSKA.

CAND Journal

The CAND Journal is the official peer-reviewed publication of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors. Published online four times per year, the CANDJ’s mission is to connect the evidence-informed best practices of the naturopathic profession to members, health care practitioners (conventional and integrative), health care stakeholders, government, and the general public. The Journal encourages submissions on a wide variety of topics in naturopathic medicine, including whole systems approaches, traditional & complementary medicine (T&CM) and integrative medicine, community and planetary health, and health equity.

The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors

The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND) is the national non-profit professional association representing regulated (or, in unregulated jurisdictions, those who meet the criteria for regulation) naturopathic doctors. Incorporated in 1955, the CAND advocates on behalf of the naturopathic profession federally, supports scientific research as well as the regulation of all health-care professionals to ensure public safety. All of its over 2,900 members are graduates of, or students in, an accredited, four year post-graduate level, naturopathic medical program.

The Journal of Comparative International Management

The Journal of Comparative International Management (JCIM) is an international refereed journal devoted to the publication of original and high-quality conceptual and/or empirical articles focusing on international management issues. It welcomes a wide variety of empirical methodologies and is particularly interested in comparative studies related to developing and emerging countries.

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