Toward Peace, Harmony, and Well-Being: Policing in Indigenous Communities

Council of Canadian Academies (CCA) finds that many indigenous communities do not receive policing services that meet their safety and security needs.

Congratulations to the Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being (JCSWB) and our Editor-in-Chief Norm Taylor, for your recognition and contribution to the “Policing in Indigenous Communities” report. We are proud to note there are 6 citations in the report from articles published in the JCSWB.

The citations are listed below:

Chrismas, R. (2016). Justice on Turtle Island: Continuing the evolution of policing with First Nations, Metis and Inuit Peoples in Canada. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 1(2), 44-50.

Hawkes, J. V. N. (2016). Mobilizing and engaging your community to reduce victimization and reinvest police resources. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 1(2), 21-25.

Muise, J. L. & Mackey, P. R. (2017). Projects “Journey” and “Sunset” build connections for positive community impact. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 2(1), 29-32.

Nilson, C. (2016a). Canada’s hub model: Calling for perceptions and feedback from those clients at the focus of collaborative risk-driven intervention. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 1(3), 58-60.

Sawatsky, M. J., Ruddell, R., & Jones, N. A. (2017). A quantitative study of Prince Albert’s crime/risk reduction approach to community safety. Journal of Community Safety and Well-Being, 2(1), 3-12.

Taylor, N. E. (2017). Advancing our CSWB dialogue into year two. Journal of Community Safety and Well- Being, 2(1), 1-2.

A copy of the report can be found here:

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